An Encounter with God is More Powerful than TikTok By MICHAEL BROWN for Ask Dr Brown
The influence of TikTok on America’s young people has become so pervasive that this past February I asked, “Is China Using TikTok to Control the Minds of Our Children?” As outrageous as that question may sound to some, I only raised it because others had already drawn attention to the disparity between TikTok in China and TikTok in America.
In fact, one day before I wrote this current article, speaking on Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom on November 12, “FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr declared that ‘TikTok is China’s digital fentanyl’ and banning it ‘is a basic IQ test for the administration.’ And China shows a ‘very, very different’ version of the app in China than they do in the U.S.”
Not surprisingly, in the aftermath of the 2022 elections, Joel Pollack noted that “Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist also known for his second career as a political pundit, argued Wednesday [November 9] that a big factor in Democrats’ strong performance in the midterm election was the TikTok platform — which is owned by China.”
Is this an outlandish charge?
One of these young people, an 18-year-old girl, told me that just one year ago she identified as gender fluid, omni-sexual and polyamorous.
What we do know is that: 1) social media in general, and TikTok in particular, has had a massive, largely negative impact on the younger generation; and 2) young people from ages 18-29 voted overwhelmingly Democrat.
So, it is not a big jump to imagine that China’s American TikTok policies had a direct impact on our elections, whether intentionally or not.
What cannot be denied is that millions of youth are being shaped and molded by social media platforms like TikTok, often in ways that parents can hardly imagine.
Dangerous Ideologies Influence Kids Not Just in Schools but on Social Media
As Rod Dreher wrote, “You think you’re going to save your kid from this contagion by homeschooling them, or putting them in Christian school? Think again. Why might this be? It shows that the general culture is immensely powerful.”
He continued, “I know plenty of Christians who think that signing the tuition check for Christian school means that they have done their best. Wrong! What do you know about the ethos of that school? I guarantee you that there are few Christian schools in the US where the student body’s views are not set by social media, because almost all the parents give their kids smartphones.”
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