5 Things that Hinder the Presence of Christ

5 Things that Hinder the Presence of Christ by Shane Idleman

Most believers understand that God is everywhere, but the Bible is also clear that the power and presence of Christ can fill the heart of the believer who completely surrenders to Him. His presence changes everything! So it’s no secret why the enemy of our soul wants to hinder His presence and power in our life.

Here are five things that will hinder the presence of Christ in your life and what you can do to get back on track:

#1 Secret Sin Hinders His Presence

Hidden sin deeply affects and quenches our relationship with our Savior. “When there’s no communion with God, our lives are spent in the darkness. We see nothing. We hear nothing. We have no answers. Spiritual death sets in” (Gene Easley).

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Most of us can relate to spiritual death, but be encouraged: Repentance opens the door for His presence to be restored.

Begin by acknowledging and turning from the sin that is pulling you down and you’ll find rest for your soul.

Acts 3:19 says, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Although the context of this verse is about those laying their sin at the foot of the cross and being “born-again” for the first time, believers can also experience times of renewal when repentance is genuine. 

We must begin here.

#2 The Fullness of the Flesh Hinders His Presence

Matthew 6:24 reminds us that, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other…” It’s impossible to be full of the world and full of Christ. We can’t be consumed with worldly pursuits as our main focus and be consumed with pursuing Christ — one or the other will prevail.

One HUGE benefit of prayer and fasting is that it empties us in order to be filled. It weakens the flesh in order to be strengthened by the Spirit.

The presence of Christ is attracted to weakness, and the practice of moderation strengthens spiritual discipline. This leads to the fullness of the Spirit. Andrew Murray once said, “Only in a life of moderation and self-denial will there be sufficient heart and strength to pray much.” I’m not promoting legalism, but I am promoting moderation.

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