They Are Testing A Super Creepy “Digital Dollar” That They Plan To Introduce Soon

They Are Testing A Super Creepy “Digital Dollar” That They Plan To Introduce Soon by  for End Of The American Dream

Are you ready for the government to monitor what you buy and sell on a daily basis?  Because that is what could happen if you start using the new “digital dollar” that they are now testing.  Of course using the new “digital dollar” would be voluntary at first, but what if it eventually becomes mandatory?  The use of physical currency continues to decline year after year, and some governments in Europe have already taken radical measures to phase out the use of cash.  Many among the elite consider digital currencies to be the key to a whole new era of  strict governmental control over the way that we live our lives, and there would be so much potential for abuse.

On Tuesday, an extremely ambitious 12 week test of the “digital dollar” was publicly announced.  As you can see, some of the biggest companies in the financial world are participating

Global banking giants are starting a 12-week digital dollar pilot with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the participants announced on Tuesday.

Citigroup Inc, HSBC Holdings Plc, Mastercard Inc and Wells Fargo & Co are among the financial companies participating in the experiment alongside the New York Fed’s innovation center, they said in a statement. The project, which is called the regulated liability network, will be conducted in a test environment and use simulated data, the New York Fed said.

When asked about his firm’s participation in the project, a Citigroup executive sounded very enthusiastic

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“Programmable US dollars may be necessary to support new business models and provide a foundation to much-needed innovations in financial settlements and infrastructure,” Tony McLaughlin, managing director for emerging payments and business development at Citigroup’s treasury and trade solutions division, said in a statement. “Projects like this, that focus on the digitization of central bank money and individual bank deposits, could be expanded to take a broader view of the opportunity.”

This is something that the Federal Reserve has been working on for a long time.

Back in January, the Fed released a “much-anticipated discussion paper” on the possibility of a “digital dollar”, and they invited the public to comment on the paper for four months…

In January, the Fed took a first step toward weighing the use of a central bank digital currency when it released its much-anticipated discussion paper and opened a four-month public comment period to receive input.

The paper said that a CBDC could streamline cross-border payments and could further enshrine and preserve the dominance of the dollar’s international role, including as the world’s reserve currency.

Obviously the Fed did not meet with too much resistance during that stage, and so now they are moving on to fully testing the “digital dollar” that they have come up with.

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