Science Hints the Holy Spirit Is More Effective Than Antidepressant Drugs to Treat Anxiety

Science Hints the Holy Spirit Is More Effective Than Antidepressant Drugs to Treat Anxiety by Anthony HartĀ for Charisma News

A first-of-its-kind clinical trial recently demonstrated that meditation is as effective as an antidepressant drug to treat people with anxiety disorders. Inadvertently, this study sparked questions about the impact of Christ-centered spirituality that is at a higher level than simply the practice of meditation.

Since living life in the Holy Spirit is more powerful than human-centric meditation or what is known as “guided mindfulness-based intervention,” then it’s logical to deduce that taking hold of the healing power of Christ through a relationship with the Holy Spirit may show even greater effectiveness at reducing anxiety.

The authors of this clinical study, which was published in JAMA Psychiatry, did not intend to hint at a message through the results that people have a need for the Holy Spirit to eliminate anxiety. But it did reveal a needā€”a very significant needā€”which is often filled by antidepressant medication.

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Do you ever wonder what would happen if more people turned their (anxious) hearts over to Christ and invited the Holy Spirit into their lives for a mindset transformation to address their anxiety? Would that be a step ahead of meditation?

But there are virtually no incentives for the established institutions of society to recommend a Spirit-filled life as a means to reduce anxiety.

In an age when Big Pharma pushes drugs for profits, the mere suggestion that mindfulness-based meditation or submitting to the Holy Spirit by faith is as effective or superior to mood-altering drugs sounds like “heresy” to the medical establishment.

However, this new study clearly shows that “right thinking” changes a person’s anxious mindset, triggering an emotionally positive shift and release from debilitating fear. The underlying connotation is that, when a person fills their mind with “truth,” the negative habitual thought patterns are disrupted, weakened and, ultimately, replaced.

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