Pastor Jack Hibbs: ‘The Loss of Proposition 1 is a Revelation of Just How Irrelevant the Church at Large is in California’ By NANCY FLORY for The Stream
California governor Gavin Newsom’s Proposition 1 — which enshrines abortion in California’s state constitution — passed by a large margin. Over 65% of voters wanted the constitution amended to allow abortions. The proposition’s language was so broad, said pastor Jack Hibbs from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, it could encompass abortion up until birth. Proposition 1 was nicknamed “the Birthday Abortion bill.”
“This new constitutional amendment supersedes all previous California state laws on abortion and in regards to every individual that is dealing with an unwanted pregnancy,” Hibbs told The Stream.
California Pastors Did Not Do Their Job
It sends an even more important message: California pastors did not do their job in the pulpit. Hibbs said in a statement that
Perhaps more than anything, the loss of Proposition 1 is a revelation of just how irrelevant the church at-large is in California. This reality is due to the lack of pastors’ understanding what the calling to the pulpit means. We must not only preach the gospel to the lost, but sadly there’s a profound disconnect at making disciples. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before the world,” and we did not. The California Christian community failed to show up to defend the unborn child, but for the few who did — their consciences are clear before the Lord.
A Nation of Blood and Death
California — and a handful of other states — had birthday abortion bills on their ballots. As a nation, America has rejected her Judeo-Christian roots, said Hibbs. “[A]s a Christian — I’m speaking as a pastor to this — we are literally beginning to resurrect the pagan practices that you read about in your Old Testament: child sacrifice, newborn babies being given to the god Moloch. So, it is an incredible announcement in my opinion, that our nation — I had hoped it was just California — but apparently our nation is becoming a nation of blood and of death. And we’ve departed from our Judeo-Christian worldview foundations, which to me is not surprising because we have for so long ejected God from school, from the public square, from courts. And dare I say that many pastors — maybe most pastors in this age— who refuse to speak to the issue, that there’s even a sense where God has been ejected from, from so-called churches. I know that’s a strong statement.”
The Problem is the Pulpits of America
Hibbs isn’t afraid of speaking the truth about abortion, even if it is harsh. “The problem is not RINO Republicans and it’s not bloodthirsty Democrats. That’s not the problem. The problem is the pulpits of America.” Believers are supposed to let their light shine everywhere. “And that, of course, is in a God-given republic, which He has given us to maintain, and we have failed to do that in the area of the sanctity of life.”