Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started

Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

Australia appears to be one of the first countries to publish birth rates for 2021, and their December 2021 statistics show that births dropped 72% over the previous December average for the past six years. This drop in births is reportedly about 9 months after the roll-out of the COVID vaccines.

George Christensen, a former member in the Australian parliament from 2010 to 2022, reports:

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows a more than 72 per cent drop in births for December 2021 as compared to the December average for the preceding six years.

The massive drop in births comes barely nine months after the COVID gene therapy injections stylised as mRNA ‘vaccines’ were rolled out to the general population of Australia.

Previously, Brisbane-based fertility specialist Dr Luke McLindon, who works with women who have fertility issues, had reported a jump in miscarriages from the ordinary 12 to 15 per cent rate in his cohort of patients, to a whopping 74 per cent amongst his ‘vaccinated’ patients.

Dr McLindon served as President of the Australian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine yet was fired from his role with Brisbane’s Mater Hospital.

While Mater has told the mainstream media the reason for Dr McLindon leaving was state-imposed ‘vaccine’ mandates, the question of whether or not firing him was an attempt to stop his contentious research on the ‘vaccines’ and miscarriages has been raised.


“… I found those unvaccinated shared a historically low miscarriage rate of 13 per cent in comparison to those who had been vaccinated prior to conception, who shared a miscarriage rate in excess of 70 per cent,” Dr McLindon said.


(Full article.)

The belief that these experimental COVID vaccines were never designed to prevent illness, but to reduce the world’s population, is looking less and less like a “conspiracy theory” every day as the facts continue to come in. The funeral industry is booming, while life and health insurance companies are suffering. (Source.)

Could these numbers from Australia be the start of a flood of data that will come in now showing dramatic deceases in births and fertility rates following the COVID-19 vaccines?

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