America Is Patty Hearst, and the Mid-Terms Were Decided by Stockholm Syndrome By JOHN ZMIRAK for The Stream
Every decent American (a shrinking subset) was disappointed by the recent midterm elections. The “red wave” richly merited by two years of criminal incompetence didn’t materialize, though the GOP might yet eke out control of the U.S. Senate, in addition to a narrow margin in the House. But we didn’t get the massive repudiation of tyranny we yearned for, a reaction as complete and cathartic as the overthrow and execution of Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania. And thinking pastorally, I believe that’s what we need.
Things might not turn out as badly as seemed likely 24 hours ago: The most important and worthy candidates who seemed doomed on election night still have a decent chance, as ballots trickle in through a broken, corrupted electoral system.
The Brightest Lights
I care the most about Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake, the single best populist candidate in America, as Darren Beattie proves. (Seriously, read this column and click on each of the video links.)
Likewise the excellent Blake Masters running for U.S. Senate from that state, and election reformer Mark Finchem, who’s running for the all-important job of Secretary of State in that vote-fraud plagued western state. I’m praying that each of them pulls it out, and also for Lauren Boebert, whose courageous defiance of cancel culture we desperately need in Congress.
We still have (by large margins) great people like Representatives Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor-Greene.
What Happened to Pennsylvania?
It’s a shame about Doug Mastriano, one of the better men to enter politics recently, getting wiped out in Pennsylvania, a state that seems to have lost its moral bearings entirely. I remember when Pennsylvania elected pro-life champions like Rick Santorum and pro-life Democrats like Bob Casey. So did the northeast and New England. I put the moral collapse of these states squarely on the shoulders of my own Church. The Catholic Church dominates in those regions, and their march into the ranks of the permanently pro-choice column is a moral disgrace as loathsome as the clerical sex abuse crisis. (The most Catholic state, Rhode Island, is perhaps the most fanatically pro-abortion.) Heckuva job, bishops, heckuva job.