The Health Crisis in Vaccinated Kids: Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD/PE, joins the VSRF Weekly Update tonight.

The Health Crisis in Vaccinated Kids: Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD/PE, joins the VSRF Weekly Update tonight. by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack

Dr. Hooker is the Chief Science Officer for Childrens’ Health Defense & Professor of Biology at Simpson University.

VSRF Weekly Update
Thursday, November 10
7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific

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The Covid-19 vaccines are killing many, many kids, and they will immeasurably harm the long-term health of future generations of young people. We have no idea what the personal, economic, and societal cost of this will be.

At VSRF, we have succeeded in warning parents about the dangers of these Covid-19 vaccines. In fact, less than 10% of children from 6 months to 4 years old have received the jab as of November 2nd.

Many of you are familiar with the Are the kids OK? video that VSRF produced last month to continue warning parents.

On tonight’s call, I will speak with Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD/PE, who has worked in the field of vaccine safety for more than two decades and has over 65 peer-reviewed, scientific publications that includes 15 papers on the epidemiology of vaccine injury.

This was a difficult Tuesday for many of us in the movement, but we must dust ourselves off and get back into this fight. It may not be tomorrow, but we will win.

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