A Comprehensive Spiritual Gifts List to Discover Your Gifts and Calling

A Comprehensive Spiritual Gifts List to Discover Your Gifts and Calling by Melissa Henderson for Bible Study Tools

What are spiritual gifts and how do I recognize them? What is my purpose in life? How will I know my specific spiritual gifts? Will there be an extraordinary experience that allows me to recognize the gifts given by God? These are questions asked by many people on a daily basis. Some people may learn the wanted answers and some people will keep searching. Others will remember God has a plan and the fact of having spiritual gifts will be accepted. The need to know how, when, where, and why may unfold in time or not. There are various places in Scripture that provide a spiritual gifts list. The New Testament shares passages which mention spiritual gifts. The Bible shares that there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit and a variety of activities, but God is the one who empowers them all (1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NIV).

Perhaps our spiritual gifts change from moment to moment, day to day, depending on how we are able to share the love of Christ.

Some days, my spiritual gift might be faith as I lean on God during a particularly difficult situation. I have faith that God will guide me through the journey. Another day, my spiritual gift might be helps, as I reach out to offer help to others in need. When I serve as an Elder and Deacon in the church, I am using my spiritual gifts. Another time, I share my gifts by offering a lending ear to a grieving friend.

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I want to be alert and ready to share the love of God in every moment.

What Are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are given to build up the church, share His message, and glorify God. Paul shares in Scripture that there are a variety of gifts. These special gifts are given through the Holy Spirit. One person may have the gift of faith, another person may have the gift of healing, while someone else may be gifted with prophecy or one of the other spiritual gifts listed in the Bible.

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