I See Thousands of Holy Fires Across America by Dr. Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown
Against the backdrop of the deep darkness that is encroaching our land, I see thousands of fires burning brightly.
But they are not the fires of riots and violent protests.
They are holy fires, fires of spiritual outpouring and revival.
They are not here yet – at least not in large numbers and fully ablaze. But they are here in incipient form. And for some years now, with my inner eye, in my spirit, I have seen these holy fires burning.
There have been revival movements in America in the past that had one particular hotspot to which people made pilgrimage. A prominent example would be the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles (which began in 1906), helping to birth the modern Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, which now numbers more than 600,000 million adherents worldwide.
Believers flocked to these meetings from around the world, with missionaries being sent out from Azusa Street to many nations.
More recently, from 1995-2000, believers from more than 130 nations traveled to the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, and missionaries were sent out from there (through the ministry school that was raised up) to many nations.
As a leader in the Brownsville Revival from 1996-2000, I was an eyewitness to this extraordinary spiritual phenomenon, where the crowds would form beginning at 6:00 AM, waiting for the doors to open at 6:00 PM. The service would then start at 7:00 PM and last until midnight or later. This happened most nights of the week and went on for years. (For the account of an impartial journalist, see here.)
Those were glorious, almost indescribable days, days that I long to see again.
But in my heart, I do not see an exact repeat of this coming. Instead, I see thousands of hubs across the country. I see thousands of watering holes where people come to repent and get right with God, to be refreshed and renewed, to be saved and filled and delivered.
I see this happening in countless church buildings, tent meetings, home gatherings, campus fellowships, and open-air rallies.
I see young people flocking by the millions, just as happened to lost sinners (like me!) in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This became known as the Jesus People Movement or the Jesus Revolution. It even caught the attention of Time Magazine with its iconic cover story of June 7, 1971 depicting a hippie-like Jesus and announcing the Jesus Revolution.
Just 5 years earlier, in the cover story published April 8, 1966, Time boldly asked in stark red letters against a black background, “Is God Dead?”