Blacks and Hispanics Defend Indiana’s Law That Protects Unborn Life

Blacks and Hispanics Defend Indiana’s Law That Protects Unborn Life by Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel filed an amicus brief at the Indiana Supreme Court on behalf of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) and the Frederick Douglass Foundation that holds there is no right to abortion within the Indiana Constitution and defends the state’s pro-life law that limits the killing of innocent unborn children.

Six weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey abortion decisions, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb signed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) into law which became effective as of September 15, 2022. This law prohibits abortion at any stage of gestation except in cases of rape, incest, fatal fetal anomalies or when the woman’s life is at risk.

The NHCLC and Frederick Douglass Foundation represent millions of African Americans and Hispanics. These minority communities have been the direct target of abortion, and most Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics are in black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Liberty Counsel also filed an amicus brief on behalf of the NHCLC and the Frederick Douglass Foundation at the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dobbs abortion case. In overturning Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the High Court cited to this brief acknowledging that abortion has disproportionally impacted the black community.

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Liberty Counsel’s amicus brief in Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, et al., v. Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, al., states, “Abortion has a dark eugenic foundation that violates key protections of the Indiana Constitution, and the State of Indiana is right to take measures to limit it as much as possible. As members of or ministers to the African American and Hispanic communities, Amici have a strong interest in exposing the racist and eugenic history of the abortion movement.”

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