New Conspiracy Theory Just Dropped: Poll Watchers Are A Threat To Democracy BY: SHAWN FLEETWOODÂ for The Federalist
GNN Note – Ask yourself this…how is having public oversight of our elections a threat to our sovereign state, our elections and the Republic? / END
If Democrats get beat at the ballot box next month, the media are preparing to pin all major election losses on nonexistent voter intimidation.
In light of the chaotic 2020 presidential election, conservative groups across the country have prioritized getting everyday Americans off the sidelines and involved in helping to facilitate the smooth conduction of the 2022 midterms — but, of course, Democrats and their media allies can’t have that.
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After mass mail-in (and unsupervised) balloting and hundreds of millions of “Zuckbucks” in government election offices shook many Americans’ confidence in election integrity in 2020, national organizations such as the Republican National Committee (RNC) have been hard at work training grassroots activists to become poll watchers for the 2022 midterms. To date, the RNC has recruited more than 70,000 new poll watchers and workers ahead of Election Day to “help deliver the election transparency that voters deserve.”
Despite the completely legitimate and legal nature of Americans supervising election administration, Democrats masquerading as journalists have cast Republicans’ efforts as a massive voter intimidation campaign by 2020 “election deniers.”
In an article published Wednesday titled, “Extremist groups are going local to disrupt the midterms,” Axios correspondent Jennifer Kingson hyperventilates about groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers signing up to be poll workers and “drop-box watchers” in order to “sway the upcoming midterms in favor of their preferred candidates.” Throughout her diatribe, Kingson tries to make the intimidation of election workers by fringe, right-wing organizations seem like a widespread problem plaguing the entire country, writing that “[e]lection offices are installing bulletproof glass” and “bulking up on security and conducting active-shooter trainings” ahead of the November midterms.
“Rising threats are prompting a shortage of election workers — which extremists could use to their advantage,” she writes.