An Open Letter to T.D. Jakes from California

An Open Letter to T.D. Jakes from California by Shane Idleman

Let me state up front that I have no ax to grind. Although I don’t necessarily line up in all areas of theology with Bishop Jakes, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Potter’s House in 2003 and meeting Bishop Jakes (the clip is here at the 1:40 mark.)

A recent Twitter feed was sent to me by many concerned believers. In it, Beto O’Rourke thanked T.D. Jakes for having him at the Potter’s House on October 23rd, 2022.

Actions Have Consequences

Although I don’t know the nature of his attendance, I hope that Mr. O’Rourke was genuinely wanting to know God. However, the tweet seems to suggest that T.D. Jakes is supporting Beto O’Rourke, a politician who believes that even late-term abortion is acceptable. (I’d love to have Bishop Jakes on my podcast, Idleman Unplugged, to discuss it further.)

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In these dire times, it’s important for all pastors, including Bishop Jakes, to clarify their position based on God’s Word. This possible “endorsement” left millions of solid believers baffled.

I understand that pastoring a church consisting of different political views is very challenging, but actions have consequences. Now, more than ever, we need pastors who speak the truth in love.

I remember when Bishop Jakes spoke at the Manpower Conferences in the late 1990s. His preaching brought down heaven. Bishop, we need that again. We need humble, broken men leading us in the right direction.

Have We Offended Oprah?

Pastors need to be more worried about offending God than offending Oprah and Tyler Perry. Leadership plays a huge role in shaping the direction of our nation. This is not about Left or Right, but about what is right. The level of decadence and deception in our nation demands a strong response.

When churches remain silent about movements that decimate our country, support ungodly candidates that push wicked agendas, and cater more to wokeness than the Word, we are in big trouble.

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