Michigan’s Prop 3 Sterilizes Kids Without Parental Notification By THE RUTH INSTITUTE via The Stream
“Michigan’s Proposal 3 – an amendment to the state’s constitution – is about far more than unlimited access to abortion,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “It would also allow clinics to dispense puberty-blocking drugs to minors as a first step toward ‘gender reassignment’ surgery, without parental knowledge or consent.”
“This amendment to the Michigan Constitution is being hyped as a way to restore ‘full reproductive freedom,’ read: an unlimited right to abortion. It’s much more, including a right to gender-transitioning drugs and surgery for minors.”
“This deceptively-worded amendment refers to ‘individuals.’ If the amendment’s framers intended its provisions to be limited to adults, they could have easily said so.”
Prop 3 says, “Every individual has a fundamental right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters related to pregnancy, including contraception, sterilization… and infertility care.”
Article 3 of the proposal potentially eliminates parental involvement in their children’s decision-making: “Nor shall the state penalize, prosecute, or otherwise take adverse action against someone for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual in exercising their right to reproductive freedom with their voluntary consent.”
“Concerned parents who want to slow down their daughter’s decision-making are at greater risk than the school counselor or Planned Parenthood worker who facilitates the girl’s abortion,” Morse observed.
Planned Parenthood Could Sterilize Your Kids
Even worse, Prop 3 opens the door for minors to start taking the first step on the road to permanently and dangerously altering their bodies. Morse asked: “If you were crafting an amendment just to ‘codify Roe,’ allowing abortion, why would you include a right to ‘sterilization and infertility care’? A person who can’t conceive, doesn’t have to be concerned about abortion.”
Furthermore, puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and ‘trans-gender’ surgery involve sterilization and infertility. “Once a confused young girl has her uterus removed, she becomes infertile. When a teenaged boy has his testicles cut off, he has been sterilized,” Morse noted.