Words of Christ Prove the World Hates, Attacks Truth

Words of Christ Prove the World Hates, Attacks Truth by James Lasher for Charisma News

Tribalism has taken hold within the world today. Whether it be race, religion, country, ethnicity or any other demographic, humans are drawing their own lines and standing with those who think and believe like them.

The greatest dividing factor was prophesied 2,000 years ago, by none other than the Messiah of humanity, Jesus Christ.

In John chapter 15, Jesus tells His disciples that they will be hated by the world because He is the truth and they hated Him for it as well.

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He explains to them how sin is accepted by those who do not know God, and when they are confronted with the truth, which is Jesus and God’s Word, they will despise it.

This hateful mindset toward the truth of God and His design for humanity has become mainstream within the cultures of the United States and around the world.

Christians see this daily in the news and across all aspects of society from the political to education to the military, yet it has become so common many are either numb or ignorant of it occurring.

As an entire generation of youth are being bombarded with gender identity politics and medical procedures that leave their bodies permanently mutilated, those who speak out against this barbaric act are met with seething hatred.

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire began a college campus tour promoting his documentary, “What is a Woman?” Up until recently, everyone knew the answer to that question, yet today a now-Supreme Court justice was unable to answer that question during her confirmation hearing claiming, “I am not a biologist.”

Yet when Walsh takes the stage to argue that men and women are the only two sexes and that a person cannot flippantly change what they are, he is met with fierce resistance. Walsh’s argument comes from the fact that God made man and woman to compliment one another, and that the definition of a man and a woman is quite simple:

“A female is that member of the human species who, by her nature, can become pregnant, while a male is the member of the human species who can impregnate the female,” Walsh explained.

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