Power of Prayer: New Survey Exposes Big Difference Between Teens, Young Adults Who Pray and Those Who Don’t

Power of Prayer: New Survey Exposes Big Difference Between Teens, Young Adults Who Pray and Those Who Don’t By  for Faith Wire

GNN Note – Study after study shows the power of prayer changes things. Not only does it change things, prayer has the power to change everything. Why are there not a great many prayer circles in every community throughout the land? / END

Prayer and faith can lead to flourishing, according to a new survey of young people conducted by Springtide Research Institute.

It’s the latest research showcasing the impact faith and belief can have on people’s lives.

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The survey, conducted among 13 to 25 year olds, found the majority of religious young people — 73% — believe their spiritual practices have a positive impact on their mental health, according to Religion News Service.

While the data isn’t exclusively speaking about Christians, the findings are noteworthy, particularly when it comes to prayer. The majority of young people who pray daily (74%) reported they are flourishing, while just 57% of people who never pray said the same.

Connection to God also matters, as 42% of people who said they feel highly connected to the Almighty reported “flourishing a lot.” That proportion far outpaces the 16% who said the same and do not feel connected to God, RNS reported.

The data came from a Springtide Research Institute survey conducted among 10,000 respondents aged 13-25 between November 2021 and March 2022. Read more about that data here.

As CBN’s Faithwire has reported, other surveys show the power of faith and, in particular, Christianity in adherents’ lives.

A report released last month by the Barna Group titled “Why Giving Is Good” found “Christians are exceptional givers” and recognize “giving is elemental to God’s very nature and the story of the Christian faith.”

Barna found 65% of practicing Christians have directly experienced “someone else’s extraordinary generosity.” Tragically, just 46% of American adults more broadly said the same, with 43% stating they had not experienced such extraordinary generosity.

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