The ACIP Vote Today and What This Means

The ACIP Vote Today and What This Means by Robert W Malone MD, MS for Who Is Robert Malone – SubStack

The big vote is today.

So today, the ACIP panel voted unanimously 15-0 for the CDC to recommend that children get the COVID-19 “vaccines and boosters.”

The actual vote to add this experimental COVID-19 mRNA injection to the childhood vaccination schedule is tomorrow.

Important to recognize that this is a work-around because Congress is not funding more jabs into arms. If this product is put on the childhood schedule, Congress does not have a say in the funding. Furthermore, if the EUA vanishes, then the liability of the companies would continue under the childhood schedule. This is corruption.

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I honestly didn’t think the ACIP would “go there.” For one, this is still an unlicensed product. I am still not sure a EUA vaccine product can be added to the schedule. I don’t believe it has ever been done before.

It is now predicted that CDC is now almost certain to add the COVID-19 shots to its ‘Childhood Vaccines Schedule’ tomorrow. This means that public schools, who all use this schedule, will now be able to mandate ‘vaccines’ in order for children to attend public school.

This is all being done last minute and basically behind the backs of the public, as this received virtually no media attention prior to the vote. I do not believe that this vote was announced to the public beforehand. Alternative media only figured it out due to the sharp eyes of Steve Kirsch.

The CDC very recently opened up its scheduled vote for public comment and received thousands of negative comments. You can read comments here. Please feel free to add your own comments.

ACIP’s decision to add the COVID-19 shots is based on regulatory capture, budgetary issues, politics, and it is not based on scientific data.

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