Did You Know That The Biden Administration Is Allowing Communist China To Set Up Secret Police ‘Service Stations’ In The United States?

Did You Know That The Biden Administration Is Allowing Communist China To Set Up Secret Police ‘Service Stations’ In The United States? by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins

GNN Note – Yeah, me neither. Thanks Geoff. / END

Communist China has opened dozens of ‘overseas police service stations’ around the globe to monitor its citizens living abroad, including one location in New York City and three in Toronto.

While they distract you with nonsense about Donald Trump and ‘Russian collusion’, in reality the Democrats are opening the floodgates to Communist China here in the United States. The Chinese Secret Police have been allowed to open up a ‘service station’ armed with Chinese police, to ‘keep an eye’ on Chinese citizens in New York, and when they find them, force them to return to China. Who on earth thought that this was a good idea? The New World Order Democrats love it. Up in Canada, they have three such service stations.

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“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” Revelation 16:12 (KJB)

America in 2022 is a nation who has forgotten its identity, a nation that is weak and disorganized, a nation that is ripe for takeover. In Russia, Putin is succeeding in gradually drawing in NATO and the US into his little war, and now we have the Communist Chinese Secret Police setting up shop in the exact same city where the Towers were intentionally brought down to bring in the Patriot Act. Here’s a fun fact, the world’s most-visited website and the world’s most-popular app is TikTok, that is downloading private data from each and every American who uses it. Wake up, America, the wolf is past the door and in the house.

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