Soros-backed NGO says it wants to ‘save democracy’ by influencing national elections

Soros-backed NGO says it wants to ‘save democracy’ by influencing national elections by Andreas Wailzer for Life Site News

Action for Democracy and other globalist organizations are funding candidates all around the world to push their agenda. They undermine democracy and do the exact thing that they are excusing their opponents of doing.

Action for Democracy is a USA-based NGO reportedly trying to influence elections around the world in an attempt to “save democracy.” An investigative piece by the Hungarian news outlet Index reveals that the American organization gave a left-wing opponent of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán 1.8 billion forints (4.09 million USD). 

According to Index, Péter Márki-Zay, the former left-wing candidate who lost against Orbán in Hungary’s most recent election, said that his campaign organization “MMM” received the generous $4 million donation from Action for Democracy. 

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Index details connections between members of Action for Democracy and the U.S. security state, investment banks, and prominent academic institutions, many of them funded by, among others, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, like the Council on Foreign Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). 

So, what does Action for Democracy stand for exactly? Well, they seem to be very concerned about elections around the globe that may not go their way and would, therefore, “threaten democracy.” 

Naturally, the countries that these noble fighters for democracy are most concerned about are not China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or even Russia.  

Instead, they name five “key battlegrounds” on their website where they think “democracy is most threatened”: Italy, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, and Turkey. 

Their concern, of course, is that these supposedly evil right-wingers, like Orbán or Giorgia Meloni of Italy, whom they say are “echoing Nazi rhetoric,” may win an election in their respective countries. 

Since they reportedly donated over 4 million dollars to a left-wing candidate in Hungary (which is a large amount by Hungarian election standards, by the way), it is not crazy to assume that Action for Democracy may also be pumping money into campaigns in other countries. 

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