A Good Name Is Better…

A Good Name Is Better…

What does reality actually look like? How do we live in the reality of this life? What does reality mean to most of us?

In a recent Daily Devotional we discussed how the job, the work, that we do should be a form of worship. How we should remain in a posture of worship that is to be a service to God, not our employer. We should approach the task we perform with the same manner of gladness and joy as we would approach a Sunday morning church service where the Worship Team and Pastor are finely tuned and speaking directly to us about the coming Glory of God. But most don’t do that. Work should be a form of Worship but for the most part it is something a lot of us dread, even despise the very thought of having to show up on Monday morning or any other morning for that matter.

What about the reality of seeing our life from a completely different angle? What about seeing death as the goal of life? What about experiencing hardship in such a way that it expresses joy? Should we do this? What would our lives look like if we suffered for Jesus Christ? What if we had no income and were perfectly content, happy and joyous about where we are in life? What if the work, the job, we did was to advance the Kingdom for no other reason than to advance the Kingdom? Does Jesus live in the pain or in the happiness? Does Jesus come to us when we are healthy or when we are broken?

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When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. ~ Mark 2:17 KJB

This world teaches us, wrongly, that funerals are for the living. We cry, we are very sad and we overlook what has actually happened. It becomes about “me” instead of thee.

A good name is better than precious ointment,
And the day of death than the day of one’s birth; ~ Ecclesiastes 7:1 NKJB

What if we viewed, as Ecclesiastes states, the day of death is more precious than birth? The day we join Jesus Christ, all the Saints, our family and friends that have gone before. What a glorious day. When do we begin living like we are alive in Christ?

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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