‘Discovering Your Identity’ with Jamie Winship by RASOOL BERRY for Christianity Today
GNN Note – We have learned lots from this man and continue to learn from him with each article read and each podcast studied. We had to give up on “listening” to his podcast as the depth and richness needs to be savored. / END
Reconciliation expert Jamie Winship describes how he learned to listen to God and to people around him in order to bring peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas.
On Jamie Winship’s first day as a police officer in Washington, DC, his mentor told him, “Keep your mouth shut for one year,” and to listen closely. He applied this important lesson to his professional and spiritual life and found listening and abiding was the way to hear God’s voice and bring peace to the conflicted spaces he was working in. His methods were successful, and he was asked to do his reconciliation work across the globe to the world’s highest conflict areas.
Guest Bio:
Jamie Winship has decades of experience bringing peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas.
After a distinguished career in law enforcement in the metro Washington, DC area, Jamie earned an MA in English and developed a unique process called the Identity Method. This process of identity transformation is the key to resolving inner conflict and acquiring new levels of learning and creativity in any field. His unconventional efforts to bring about societal and racial reconciliation led him to Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel and back to the US.
Jamie has worked with leaders in professional sports, business, education, law enforcement, government, non-profit, and other sectors. He is the author of Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God.
Jamie and his wife, Donna, are co-founders of Identity Exchange and its corporate arm, Identity Method, providing training and consulting in the transformative power of living fearlessly in your true identity.