‘Brilliant’ new documentary exposes how Big Pharma and gov’t teamed up to push the COVID vaccines

‘Brilliant’ new documentary exposes how Big Pharma and gov’t teamed up to push the COVID vaccines by Emily Mangiaracina for Life Site News

‘Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion’ chronicles the ‘perfect storm” of safety trial problems, regulatory lapses, and government propaganda that led to mass ‘vaccination’ with a shot that has devastated lives.

A newly released documentary that has been praised as “brilliant” and “outstanding,” chronicles the shocking story of how COVID shots were pushed in the United Kingdom using government propaganda and misleading data from Big Pharma.

While the film, aptly titled, “Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion,” is primarily focused on the U.K., one of its most powerful sub-narratives is relevant worldwide: How pharmaceutical manufacturers sidestepped safety hurdles and misled the public regarding the effectiveness and potential harms of the COVID jabs.

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The documentary uses expert testimony to show how the trial data was flawed, and how the “vaccine” manufacturers used “very, very misleading” figures to promote the COVID-19 shot.

Consultant cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was “one of the first to take the Pfizer vaccine,” shared how Pfizer’s promotion of its shot using relative risk reduction, and not absolute risk reduction, led to the impression that the mRNA COVID shot was dramatically more effective at preventing disease than was actually the case.

“The guidance has been for many years that we must always use absolute risk reduction in conversation with patients, not just relative risk reduction alone. Otherwise, it’s considered unethical,” Malhotra explained.

“The accusation is that governments acted on Pfizer’s relative risk figure of 95% efficacy. When the absolute risk was a mere 0.84%. In other words, you’d have to vaccinate 119 people to prevent just one from catching COVID,” said John Bowe, founder of C.O.V.I.D. Charity Organisation for the Vaccine InjureD.

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