New Study About Christians and Generosity Adds to Powerful Research Showing Benefits of Biblical Faith

New Study About Christians and Generosity Adds to Powerful Research Showing Benefits of Biblical Faith By  for Faith Wire

Another day, another study demonstrating the societal and cultural benefits of Christianity.

A new survey released this month by Barna titled “Why Giving Is Good” found “Christians are exceptional givers” and recognize “giving is elemental to God’s very nature and the story of the Christian faith.”

These proclamations aren’t earth-shattering in light of what Scripture calls believers to do, yet the statistics help explain some of the differences between practicing Christians and members of the general public — and give a lens into what these sentiments look like when lived out.

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Barna found 65% of practicing Christians have directly experienced “someone else’s extraordinary generosity.” Tragically, just 46% of American adults more broadly said the same, with 43% stating they had not experienced such extraordinary generosity.

Conversely, only 29% of practicing Christians said they had not experienced extraordinary generosity.

Again, these statistics about the church aren’t entirely surprising, as believers are called to give and serve others. As Barna noted, “Because practicing Christians are more likely to be around other practicing Christians in a church environment, there is a great chance for someone to be both a participant in and recipient of generous community.”

But these beliefs and experiences are important in a world increasingly dominated by an obsession with the self. Personally experiencing generosity helps others in their own quests to be charitable, thus personal experience with benevolence yields benefits across the board.

It should be noted that Christians are also more aware of generosity due to its focus within the faith. This awareness creates intentional focus and, one would imagine, related action.

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