Finally!! Court Orders FBI to Produce the Information It Possesses Related to Seth Rich’s Laptop within 14 Days

Finally!! Court Orders FBI to Produce the Information It Possesses Related to Seth Rich’s Laptop within 14 Days By Joe Hoft for The Gateway Pundit

GNN Note – This young man was, allegedly, murdered with, what appears to be, the assistance of the DNC, Hillary, Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman. All should be brought in front of a real judge with real jurors and let’s go through the process of discovery. Or just arrest them all and send them to the nearest “black sight” and be done with them. / END

Earlier today US District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas ordered the FBI to “produce the information it possesses related to Seth Rich’s laptop.”

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In our earlier reporting TGP’s Joe Hoft reported on the FBI’s refusal to release documents on Seth Rich.

To this day we still don’t have good information on Seth Rich’s murder.  He was shot in the back twice in the early morning near his home.  He died later in the hospital.  The police recorded the event as a robbery and yet Rich’s phone, wallet, and personal items were with him when the police arrived.

Some people suspect Rich was the source of the emails that went to WikiLeaks before the 2016 Election related to Hillary and her corrupt actions over many years.  These emails were ignored by the corrupt mainstream media but were shared by Wikileaks and on social media at that time.

A short time after Seth Rich’s death, the Russia collusion story was created.  It’s also suspected in certain circles that the Russia collusion story was created to keep eyes off of Seth Rich’s murder.

The FBI denied any information or files related to the Seth Rich murder.  But that was not true and eventually, the information was found.

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