Canadian nurse faces disciplinary hearing from national medical board and could lose her job over believing there are only 2 sexes

Canadian nurse faces disciplinary hearing from national medical board and could lose her job over believing there are only 2 sexes from End Time Headlines

A Canadian nurse is facing a disciplinary hearing from a national medical board that could result in her losing her job after she publicly supported author J.K. Rowling’s views about the harm gender identity ideology inflicts on women and children.

Amy Hamm, a single mom and a nurse in Vancouver, is the founder of the Canadian Women’s Sex-Based Rights (caWsbar), a non-partisan organization that advocates for women and acknowledges the biological reality that there are only two genders: men and women.

In a piece published in Quillette, Hamm said she has written and spoken out about what she sees as the harmful impact of gender-identity ideology since 2016. She has openly expressed her opposition to the housing of biological men in women’s prisons and the push by some institutions to refer to women as “pregnant people” in multiple articles published by The Post Millenial.

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Hamm also expressed support for Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has voiced similar concerns about the impact of gender identity ideology on women, via a billboard in 2020.

Rowling also raised concerns about the exponential increase in the number of young girls claiming to identify as trans. Similarly, Rowling fears that referring to women and girls as “menstruators” or “people with vulvas” reduces them to some sort of “costume” men wear.

Hamm faces several hearings before the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM), which has been investigating her since November 2020. The first hearing was in June, with the second set of three-day hearings held last Wednesday through Friday. The remaining hearings are scheduled for Oct. 24-27.

A spokesperson for the BCCNM told The Christian Post that the organization was unable to provide any more information than what was already stated in the public notice about the hearing.

As The Post Millennial reported Wednesday, legal counsel for BCCNM, Michael Seaborn, who specified his pronouns are “he/him,” outlined that the hearing’s purpose is to determine whether Hamm made “derogatory statements” about trans-identifying people.

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