Let the Shout Arise Across the Nation: Stop Sexualizing Our Children! by Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown
In August 2011, I participated in a brainstorming session held at Liberty University together with a number of conservative leaders, all of whom had been on the front lines of confronting LGBTQ activism.
As we discussed the impact of this activism on the nation, we asked ourselves what words we could find to help awaken the national conscience. What slogan or saying would capture our concerns and would appeal to the masses? One phrase we agreed on was: “Stop sexualizing our children!”
Now, more than 10 years later, that cry must rise from coast to coast, from all concerned parents from all stripes and backgrounds, and it must speak to heterosexuals activists and LBGTQ activists alike: “Stop sexualizing our children! They do not belong to you, and you will not continue to influence them and degrade them and pollute them and pervert them. Enough is enough! This must stop, and it must stop now.”
From the heterosexual side, the attack has come through sex-ed curricula in schools, presenting inappropriate subjects in inappropriate ways, beginning with the youngest school children.
It has been going on for a long time.
In her 1989 book Sex Education: The Final Plague, Catholic author Randy Engel cited Dr. Melvin Anchell’s 1981 statements, noting that, “When sex educators devalue parental influence . . . they in effect devalue the student’s conscience. At the same time, they are instrumental in ‘removing societal inhibitions,’ they intensify their efforts for ‘sexual openness’ and they teach the students ‘to rely entirely on their own inexperienced and immature judgments and those of their peers.’
“One of the results of this indoctrination process, charges Dr. Anchell is the formation of a ‘horde culture,’ which is characterized by ‘sexual indulgences . . . devoid of love.’ ‘The indoctrinated show no guilt, nor do they display concern for morality.’ They are in effect the new barbarians!”
Anchell made these remarks more than 40 years ago, yet some parents are still unaware of just how pervasive this curriculum is in some of their schools. Isn’t it beyond time to wake up?