‘Lifemark’ Star and Producer Alex Kendrick Reveals Amazing Salvation Stories Happening Inside Theaters By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire
‘Making Decisions For Christ’
Actor and producer Alex Kendrick expressed gratitude this week for the success of his new movie “Lifemark” and revealed the monumental impact the film is having on audience members, with some reportedly accepting Christ inside movie theaters.
“We’ve got just a flood of responses and people even making decisions for Christ in the theater,” Kendrick told CBN’s Faithwire “We’re very grateful for what’s going on and can’t wait to see what else God does.”
Considering the subject matter and seemingly prophetic release of “Lifemark” — a movie about adoption released on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade — the fact the film so deeply resonates with so many is understandable.
Listen to Kendrick share powerful reactions to the film:
“Lifemark,” produced by actor Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick brothers, tells a true story that celebrates the gift of life. The film focuses on 18-year-old David, whose comfortable world is tossed into chaos when his birth mother surprisingly reaches out and wants to meet him.
Cameron and the Kendricks specifically added 10 minutes of additional content to the end of the movie aimed at helping people truly understand God’s heart and love for His creation.
“We walk through the biblical basis of life and God knowing us even in the womb,” Kendrick said. “And then we walk through a Gospel presentation at the end.”
He shared just one of the stories his team has heard since the release of “Lifemark.”
“We’re hearing wonderful testimonies of people saying, ‘Our church group was sitting in the theater, and we saw a woman sitting off to the side crying at the end of the movie. We … went over, started a conversation. She shared her story with us. We were able to minister to her, pray for her, talk about salvation with her,’” Kendrick shared.