‘Christian Political Counterweight’ Gaining Momentum as Pastors Flock to Ballot

‘Christian Political Counterweight’ Gaining Momentum as Pastors Flock to Ballot by David LaneĀ for Charisma News

My wife Cindy and I, spent last weekend in Los Angeles with North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson and his wife, Yolanda. As a quick reminder, we hosted 13 North Carolina pastors’ luncheons across the state featuring the Lt. Governor in 2021, where 2,700 North Carolina pastors and spiritual leaders participated.

Of the 50 North Carolina pastors and spiritual leaders who, on May 17, 2022, ran for local office across the state, 25 won their primary, meaning that 25 will be on the Nov. 8 ballot.

We are planning to organize another round of North Carolina pastors’ luncheons in 2023, in order to recruit an additional 50, or even 75 North Carolina pastors and spiritual leaders to run for local office in 2024. This obviously will provide the best and most direct counterweight to cultic secularism’s heavy-handed manipulation of American culture and society.

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A Christian counterweight is urgently needed. As Baptist theologian James Robert White expresses it: “History teaches us that enduring works of Christian insight flow forth from times of persecution and attack. As secularism rushes toward its inevitable totalitarian solutions, Christians need to think deeply concerning the issues that now confront us.”

Cultural theologian and Christian apologist Dr. Joseph Boot’s latest book, “Ruler of Kings: Toward a Christian Vision of Government,” calls attention to the threat to freedom: “The current reality of the church’s submission in the West to the cult of the state [with its] surrender to unprecedented lockdowns and illegal interference in church gathering, the collapse of civil liberties, the total control of education, expanded abortion, euthanasia, no-fault divorce law, the definition of marriage and family, homosexuality and transgender issues [is clear].

“Because of the steady triumph of pagan humanism in the West, the modern world has seen the re-emergence of many archaic oddities, one of which is a self-anointed elite classā€”the intelligentsiaā€”a secular substitute for pastor and priest.”

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