Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News
Some of the strongest evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused crippling injuries and huge numbers of deaths in the vaccinated population have come from funeral home directors who have reported huge spikes in deaths in their business that correlate with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates.
There is strong social and financial pressure against these professionals to go public, but a few have stood firm against this pressure, knowing that these truths must be brought to the attention of the public in an effort to save lives, no matter what the personal cost may be to themselves or their careers.
Two of these funeral directors have been featured in the Alternative Media this year, and they are John O’Looney from the UK, and Richard Hirschman from Alabama in the U.S. Both men have confirmed that other funeral directors in their profession are seeing the same things they are seeing, but are too afraid to go public.
Besides reporting on the huge increase in deaths they have been seeing since the roll out of the COVID vaccines, the embalmers have been reporting what they are finding inside the veins and arteries of these dead bodies: huge “blood clots” that do not resemble traditional blood clots at all, but are long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery.
Richard Hirschman, who has been a licensed embalmer for over 21 years and has embalmed thousands of bodies, said in a recent interview with the RAIR Foundation that while he was accustomed to seeing blood clots in 5 to 10% of the bodies he embalmed, that now he is seeing almost 85% of the bodies he is embalming have blood clots, which started after the roll out of the COVID vaccines, and that these “blood clots” are nothing like he has ever seen before.
Dr. Jane Ruby was apparently the first one to interview Richard Hirschman earlier this year, and she put him in contact with Mike Adams of Natural News, who among his many talents is a forensic food scientist, and in 2016 he did something that to my knowledge no one else in the world has done, and that was to earn the highest standard of international laboratory accreditation for his forensic food lab, ISO 17025, as a completely independent scientist with no ties to the government or any other institution, allowing him to test and investigate whatever he wanted to.
He invested millions of dollars of his own money into the equipment of this laboratory, and is completely independent from outside funding sources, allowing him to truly “follow the science” without worrying about satisfying outside investors or government agencies. See: