The head of the CDC’s outside committee on vaccine safety does not want to see the safety data collected by the Israeli Ministry of Health

The head of the CDC’s outside committee on vaccine safety does not want to see the safety data collected by the Israeli Ministry of Health by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack

I finally got a response to my question to ACIP Chair Grace Lee about whether she wants to see the COVID vaccine safety data from Israel. She called the cops on me. I have the whole thing on video.

Executive summary

I was able to establish, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the chair of the ACIP committee, who is arguably the most important person in the world who should want to see the Israeli safety data that was hidden since March of 2022 by the Israeli government, does not want to see the data.

She should be fired. You simply cannot have a chair of a critical safety committee relied upon by the entire world who is not interested in seeing critical safety data that shows the vaccines are not safe.

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Yet nobody is speaking out about this. Did the rules of science change? Is it now OK to ignore any data that goes against your belief system?


When you read this article, keep in mind the following:

  1. It is critical that Dr. Lee see this safety information. It is an urgent matter of public health. Millions of people are being injured or killed by these vaccines, often permanently such as in this case.
  2. All my previous attempts to get her to pay attention to this data failed.
  3. After failing all reasonable methods, I tried a final method which is used by process servers for serving legal documents. Dr. Lee doesn’t work in her office at Stanford so they only place to serve her is at her house which is effectively “her office.”
  4. That finally ended up working and I saw receipt of the message.
  5. Nothing I did went above and beyond what a legal process server would have done.
  6. I simply ensured that the right person was notified of key data and systematically escalated the methods used until the goal was achieved.


Ever since writing my article on the Israeli safety data on Sept 2, 2022, I have been trying to ask the head of the ACIP committee, Stanford Professor Grace Lee, if she wanted to see the data.

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