The Anti-Christ Spirit Behind China’s Quest for World Dominance

The Anti-Christ Spirit Behind China’s Quest for World Dominance by Dave Kubal/Intercessors for America via Charisma News

China positioned itself as an emerging global player in democracy and capitalism, and many Western nations, including our own, eagerly embraced the rising power. So eagerly, in fact, that they didn’t notice the red flags of the growing Chinese Communist Party empire in the world.

For the past 20 years, in sector after sector, China’s dominance increased. Now their economy, influence and global footprint rivals the United States, the world leader.

Make no mistake, Chinese domination is biblical in its proportion and demonic in its effort. The religious freedoms championed by the U.S. have propelled the gospel of Christ for centuries, protected kingdom values and demonstrated to the world how preserving “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” result in prosperity and blessing. Communism at its core is anti-God—in fact it replaces God with the state. The spirit behind it is an anti-Christ spirit. It is deceptive and dominating.

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With a smile, the Chinese communists are usurping global financial markets, committing cybertheft, carrying out intellectual property piracy, aggressively building their Belt and Road Initiative, buying up farmland in the U.S., acquiring strategic ports across the world, grabbing up land near U.S. military bases, spying and collecting data through technology such as TikTok, developing a COVID bioweapon and surveilling the world—all while persecuting Christians in their nation and indoctrinating people worldwide for the party.

China’s actions have been devised to disintegrate our culture and nation slowly and covertly, positioning to overtake the U.S. and step into the leadership role that we have played globally. Make no mistake, the aim is not to leapfrog us for the sake of status; they want to occupy us.

We should be gravely concerned that so many in our government have looked away from the red flags, seemingly for the short-term gains of cheap production and manufacturing, while the noose around our neck tightens. American manufacturing is struggling to compete. The majority of products on our shelves are made in China. Every “Shark Tank” episode shows hungry entrepreneurs dying to make a deal to produce their goods “off-shore” at a greatly reduced cost. We are addicted—and it is killing us.

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