Food shortage simulation predicts 400% SURGE in food prices by 2030

Food shortage simulation predicts 400% SURGE in food prices by 2030 By  for Food Science

A 2015 food shortage simulation predicted that food prices could increase by as much as 400 percent from 2020 t0 2030.

The simulation, titled the “Food Chain Reaction,” was conducted at the headquarters of the World Wildlife Fund in Washington, D.C.

According to a press release from Big Ag company Cargill, the simulation was held over two days and involved 65 international policymakers, academics and business leaders. (Related: Globalists have been planning to starve the world with food scarcity since at least 2015.)

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The simulation participants were divided into teams for Africa, Brazil, China, India, the European Union, the United States and several other groups representing international businesses and investors and other multilateral institutions.

According to the simulation, a series of global catastrophes would lead to the devastation of global food production capacity. These catastrophes include extreme weather events; famines; refugee crises in Bangladesh, Chad, Myanmar and Sudan; and the fall of several governments, including Pakistan’s and Ukraine’s.

In the press release detailing the results of the event, Cargill claimed that global cooperation “mostly won the day over the short-term individual advantage.”

“Teams pledged to build international information networks and early warning systems on hunger and crops together, invest jointly in smart agricultural technology and build up global food stocks as a buffer against climate shocks,” Cargill stated.

“Most people started out with a short-term perspective, but transitioned to long-term measure pretty quickly – they started working to strengthen resiliency instead of just putting out fires,” said Cargill economist Tim Bodin, who helped design the simulation.

Food shortages lead to carbon and meat taxes during simulation

At one point during the simulation, the team representing the EU suspended its environmental rules for agriculture by introducing a tax on meat consumption. These rules were quickly reversed after several years as harvests went back to normal.

The most eye-catching result was a deal between the U.S., the EU, India and China to institute a global carbon tax and cap carbon dioxide emissions in 2030.

Cargill Corporate Senior Vice President Joe Stone acknowledged that carbon taxes are a real possibility in the coming years.

“But before we can consider moving ahead with a measure like that, we must study it and understand it much better. We have to avoid sudden market distortions and unforeseen consequences,” he said.

“Take the meat tax Europe wanted to impose and think through that. What meat are you going to tax? Does that mean poultry and beef or aquaculture as well? Where do you levy the tax, where does the money go, what are the unintended consequences?”

What the simulation showed is that many of the teams are relying on the food crisis to establish more carbon and meat taxation policies and are using these kinds of simulations to figure out how to institute them in a way where most people wouldn’t protest against them.

“The solution the ruling classes came up with was more theft. They intend to steal more from everyone after causing the food shortages,” noted Mac Slavo, writing for SHTF Plan. “If you’ve been paying attention, you know this is all by design and we recognized it back in March of 2020 when the rulers blamed the closures of meat and food processing plants on the [Wuhan coronavirus] COVID-19 ‘scamdemic.’”

Robert Wheeler of The Organic Prepper said: “The agenda is becoming quite clear. The fact is, we know there is an agenda for all these things – food shortages, meat tax, global carbon tax… We will be stolen from, controlled and enslaved to a degree that breaking free will be all but impossible if we allow this to happen.”

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