What Ominous Event Do They Have Planned For September 24th? by for End Of The American Dream
What in the world are they planning to do on September 24th, 2022? As you will see below, a member of the German legislature is openly warning that September 24th will be a day when everyone will remember “exactly where he or she was”. Needless to say, those days don’t come along very often. For those that were alive at the time, the death of John F. Kennedy was one of those days. And certainly 9/11 was one of those days. But off the top of my head I can’t really think of too many others. I can remember what I was doing when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier this year was definitely a major turning point. Beyond that, there just aren’t too many days that fall into this category.
That is why something that a member of the German parliament just said seems so odd…
“Everyone will not forget September 24, 2022 and everyone will know exactly where he or she was”
Why does he believe that September 24th will be so historic?
Video of this clip has been going viral on social media, and you can watch it for yourself right here.
September 24, 2022! The German Legislature said that date will be remembered forever… I know a financial collapse is coming very soon. Is this the black swan event…. Be prepared! https://t.co/BKsv8OcJy9
— US Civil Defense (@USCivilDefense4) September 11, 2022
When the 24th of September was mentioned, you can hear other members of the German legislature react.
Did he reveal something that he wasn’t supposed to reveal?
At this point we don’t know.
Perhaps nothing is planned for September 24th.
Perhaps if we could listen to the remainder of his speech it would be obvious that he is referring to something completely trivial.
The reason why this caught my attention is because I do believe that September 25th and September 26th will be very significant.
This year, Elul 29 begins at sundown on September 24th and it runs until sundown September 25th.
As I detailed in a previous article, we witnessed the worst stock market crash in U.S. history up to that time on Elul 29 in 2001.
That record stood until it was broken precisely 7 years later on Elul 29 in 2008.
Elul 29 fell on a Sunday in 2015, and the stock market is closed on Sundays. So no record was going to be broken then.
However, we did see a tremendous amount of financial shaking in August and September of that year.
In 2022, Elul 29 once again falls on a Sunday. So there will be no stock market crash on that day either.
But I will be watching very closely because Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Sunday, September 25th.
According to Jewish tradition, one seven year Shemitah cycle will end and a new one will commence once the sun goes down that evening.
Of course the truth is that we don’t know for sure if Jewish authorities have calculated the Shemitah cycles correctly, and the Bible also doesn’t make it completely clear on what day the Shemitah cycles are to begin.
So we can’t be too dogmatic about any of this.
With that being said, without a doubt a great number of believers will be on “high alert” as we approach Rosh Hashanah, and James Bailey just had a dream which is quite alarming…