Some Very Surprising and (Deeply Encouraging) Christian Poll Results by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
On September 6, I conducted a poll on Twitter, asking, “If you had to choose between the two, which do you feel is more important for the good of America? That we have the best potential president in the White House or that the Church maintains a good witness before the world?” What do you think the final results were? What’s your guess?
To give you an idea of the demographics of my 46,000 Twitter followers, among those who responded to a previous poll I did on September 1, 68.7 percent voted for Trump in 2020, 7.5 percent for Biden, 8.9 percent for another candidate, and 14.9 percent did not vote for president.
So, it was people like this who responded to my September 6 poll. How do you think they voted?
Less than 3 percent (2.9 percent, to be exact) were not sure which was more important. Even less (2.7 percent) answered with having the best potential president in the White House. And a massive 94.4 percent responded with the Church maintaining a good witness.
What an encouraging, positive response. In fact, I can’t remember a polling question I have asked on Twitter that ended with such one-sided results. The people have spoken, loudly and clearly.
More importantly, their answer is absolutely right.
That’s because, in a country like America, where there are tens of millions of believers and where the church still has a major influence, a church with a compromised witness will do far more to harm the nation than the right president will do to help the nation.
And if the nation will not listen to our message because we have disqualified ourselves from being taken seriously, if we cannot serve as moral examples because we have compromised our standards, then we have failed in our mission to the nation.
Of course, the ideal scenario is to have the best possible candidate in office while the people of God also shine brightly. And in many cases, there’s no reason why we can’t have both.
Why can’t we help the best candidates get elected without sullying ourselves in the process? Why can’t we retain our testimony while advocating for our political causes?
But if we had to choose between the two, the first and greatest priority is simple: we cannot sell our souls for the sake of political expediency.