Booster Nations

Booster Nations by Robert W Malone MD, MSĀ for Who Is Robert Malone – SubStack

The Never-ending Onslaught of Covid Booster Shots

Guest commentary and opinion by Jeremy Harrigan

When I think back to my childhood and all the injections I received as a kid, and then fast forward to my time served in the Army for 20 years, I can remember some of the shots I had prior to deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan involving some boosters that they told me were necessary, so of course I just stuck out my arm like a good boy or a good soldier and didnā€™t think much of it.

First, a quick flashback to the Pill Scene from original film ā€œThe Matrixā€, from 1999: Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) offers Neo (Keanu Reeves) the choice of taking the Blue Pill or the Red Pill. If Neo took the blue pill, he could wake up in his bed and believe whatever he wanted to believe about the world he lived in, basically just living out his life going through the motions, being a good citizen, a hard worker, and always giving blind obedience to authority. But if he took the red pill, the scales would be lifted from his eyes and would come to know the truth that he was born into bondage, a slave to a system of tyranny and absolute control over human beings embedded inside a fake reality computer program called The Matrix. Out of sense of curiosity but also a leap of faith, of course Neo takes the Red Pill and he becomes a total bad-ass, and you know the rest of the story if you watched the movie and its sequels.

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Sadly, so many people around the world want to continue taking the blue-pill, or are taking the blue-pill whether they even realize it or not. Sure, no government institutions or media outlets are perfect, but they must still be looking out for my well-being (they reckon to themselves), so I will keep doing what Iā€™m told; Iā€™m sure everything will work out just fine. Whether it is from a sense of pride, arrogance or stubborn ignorance, they continue to fall for a counterfeit, and thus bury their heads in the sand as time marches on.

Now, having been red-pilled for over ten years when it comes to the greed and corruption of Big Pharma, especially when it comes to the push to vaccinate the world in general, it seems this unbridled Covid booster campaign just keeps gaining speed.Ā  The other day, I went to the press releases webpage and was blown away by a statement Rep. James E. Clyburn, Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis issued following a statement after the Food and Drug Administrationā€™s (FDA) authorized Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech single dose bivalent coronavirus vaccines for use as a booster at least two months following primary or booster vaccination for virtually all Americans 12 and older by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You can read the statement HERE. The narrative still gets pushed forward, and the drug manufactures still receive impetuous, lavish praise.

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