Why are vaccinations required to attend school? by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack
My local newspaper says that if kids don’t have the required vaccines (or a medical exemption), they are not allowed to attend school. Can ANYONE explain the logic here?

I have some questions I was hoping someone could answer:
- If the vaccines work and protect kids from disease, why isn’t an individual decision as to whether or not to get them?
- If the vaccines don’t work, why are they required?
- Will any health/medical authority in the country be willing to go on camera with me and defend the California law? If you are, please let me know here. If not, isn’t that telling?
- How come doctors refuse to allow parents to see the all-cause risk-benefit studies for the required vaccines that compares kids with all the required vaccines with kids who have none of the vaccines over time and looks at both morbidity (such as autism rates, etc) and long-term mortality? Obviously, these studies must exist or they wouldn’t have required these vaccines. Where are they and why are we not allowed to see them?
- Have any of the lawmakers who voted for this ever read Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries MD (Author), Roman Bystrianyk? Did the book make a mistake?
- How come the statistics from the control group are better than those from the vaccinated group?
- If the reason to vax kids is to protect those kids in school who cannot be vaccinated (medical exemption cases), then where is the study showing the overall societal risk benefit of injecting 99% of kids (who will have a negative risk benefit), to protect these at risk kids? Nobody seems to have that study. How does society ethically trade off morbidity in vaxxed kids for a morality benefit in the unvaxed?