Crazy America: Is this Hindering Another Spiritual Awakening?

Crazy America: Is this Hindering Another Spiritual Awakening? by Shane Idleman

Listen to the audio version of this article here.

Whether it’s violence in our streets or perversion in our schools, something needs to change. You know it’s true when shock rocker Ozzy Osbourne wants to leave “crazy” America!

Conviction, Not Cockiness

Sadly, the answer in the minds of most Christians is to bash their liberal state, post condescending memes, send angry tweets, or go on bombastic tirades from the pulpit. But spiritual awakenings aren’t birthed in arrogance—they are born in the womb of brokenness. We must begin here! As I’ve said countless times: A spiritual awakening is America’s only hope.

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A lack of humility and brokenness is no doubt the reason we’re not experiencing a national awakening. In these critical times, we need boldness, not arrogant tirades; we need conviction, not cockiness.Many today think they are bold, but they’re really just brazen. Boldness without humility will get us nowhere—we need both (listen here).

What is Biblical Boldness?

Biblical boldness is a zeal for the truth of God coming from a person touched by God and representing the character of God. 

If we lack truth, we will be easily misled and lead others astray. If we’ve never been touched by God, we’ll be angry, not broken, and ticked off, not tender. And if we fail to produce love, joy, peace, and patience, we will turn others away from God rather than toward Him.

Yes, the truth will upset others, but our attitude shouldn’t. This is why when Leonard Ravenhill referenced Jesus weeping over Jerusalem before driving out the thieves in the temple, he said that we must “weep before we whip.” If you’ve never been moved with compassion for the sinner, you have no right to rebuke the sin. 

The Jekyll and Hyde Christian

In the book from the 1800s, a mild-mannered doctor named Jekyll would transform into Hyde through a chemical concoction to live out his dark side. If believers aren’t careful and vigilant, we too can be pulled back to the dark side. I’m not talking about losing your salvation; I’m talking about losing your spiritual influence.

I believe that many Christians, including pastors and leaders, once had a genuine experience with God and were used in profound ways, but they drifted toward anger and arrogance rather than strived for brokenness and humility. And many of us have become too busy … too busy to pray, too preoccupied to worship, and too important to seek God. 

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