Welcome Back To School – Which Of The 8 Different Gender Identities Are You? from Prophecy News Now
GNN Note – I’m so old I can remember when there were only two genders. / END
America’s public schools have never been worse than they are right now. Test scores are falling, and many of our kids cannot read, write, speak or do basic math effectively. As a result, each level of education has had to be “dumbed down”, because each year the next incoming class has been woefully unprepared at the previous level. This is one of the big reasons why many tests these days require only answers that are true/false or multiple choice. Our kids are simply not equipped to handle much more than that. Sadly, this is true even at the college level. I spent eight years earning three degrees at a couple of the best public institutions in America, and the level of education that I received was exceedingly poor. Even at that time, the family pet could have passed most of the “college courses” that I was forced to endure. Of course things have only gotten far worse since then.
This week, we learned that test scores for our 9-year-olds have declined dramaticallysince the beginning of the pandemic…
Test scores for the country’s 9-year-olds suffered significant declines early this year when compared to early 2020, according to federal data released Thursday that will reinforce the worries of educators and politicians over Covid-19’s impact on children.
Students who took National Assessment of Educational Progress long-term trend tests this past winter scored an average of seven points lower in math and five points lower in reading when compared to 9-year-olds who took the same federal exam in 2020 — just before the pandemic was declared a global health emergency and physical classrooms shuttered.
Those results mean notably fewer students could carry out simple reading tasks or understand texts, or handle arithmetic and early math problem solving.
Whatever we are doing, it is clearly not working.
Over the past couple of years, there has been a mass exodus out of the public schools.
And that is actually a really good thing, because we have gotten to a point where homeschoolers substantially outperform public school students on standardized tests.