Invitation: Schiller, Shelley and Poe: The Manifestation of the Spiritual in the Material World [RTF lecture at 2pm ET]

Invitation: Schiller, Shelley and Poe: The Manifestation of the Spiritual in the Material World [RTF lecture at 2pm ET] by Matthew Ehret – SubStack

It is too often the case that the line separating the domain of the thing we call “matter” and “spirit” is far too firmly drawn in the sand, resulting in a schismed sense of reality- or “two opposing realities” having no commensurability to one another.

But are these two worlds truly as disconnected as some believe? Is it possible that the realm of metaphysics entirely shapes the unfolding of the physical universe and is it possible that the physical world may in fact be, as Plato, St Paul, Max Planck and countless other great minds throughout history believed- simply one particular expression of a broader spiritual world? From what source have the world’s greatest scientists and poets drawn when they have created their most edifying compositions?

This week’s Rising Tide Foundation lecture on ‘Schiller, Shelley and Poe: The Manifestation of the Spiritual in the Material World’ will be delivered by poet and activist Daniel Leach at 2pm Eastern Time where these questions and much more will be discussed.

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