The new ivermectin video is a must see

The new ivermectin video is a must see by Steve Kirsch – SubStack

GNN Note – So… the video is approved by actually doctors and their peers and unapproved by communist, TV actors, politicians and other known liars. Got it. / END

This video is approved by Doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Marik and many others. The video is NOT approved by the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, CNN, or the White House. Producer: Mikki Willis, Length: 15 min.

Ivermectin: The Truth is an amazing film, less than 15 minutes long! I highly recommend this film. Watch it and share it.

Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Chris Martenson, Richard Bartlett, and Mike Yeadon all appear. My name appears briefly at 11:45 in the video. Still trying to get that debate with the mainstream “experts.”

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The Ivermectin film is free.

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CNN “COVID expert” Leana Wen

Leana Wen appears briefly in this video (at the beginning and near the end) saying “we know it doesn’t work.” She’s total blue pill. If you feel the same way about Lena as I do, you’ll want to watch this excellent Leana Wen takedown video by Kim Iversen. It’s awesome.

The world would be a better place if Kim Iversen was the authority being promoted on CNN instead of Lena Wen.

P.S. Kim should write a book on “How I avoid being censored by YouTube.” She walks as close to the line as you can get. I don’t know how she does it.


Just a footnote here since I was heavily involved in funding the research on fluvoxamine, another highly effective drug for treating COVID. If you take just 50mg of fluvoxamine twice a day for 2 weeks, most everyone avoids long-haul COVID symptoms due to the anti-inflammatory properties of this drug (Prozac also works).

They did the same thing to fluvoxamine as they did with ivermectin. They used the excuse that the US Phase 3 trial was halted for futility as a reason for not recommending the drug, but they never pointed out that the futility was that very few people in the placebo group were being hospitalized because the variants had gotten so mild and people were likely taking ivermectin, so they had no “comparison group” and they did a horrible job at recruiting (we spent gobs of money sending them leads and their enrollment % was horrible).

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