Bill Gates funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to corporate media, pharma and biotech companies to push false COVID narratives by: Ethan Huff for Natural News
An investigation by MintPress News has found that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates quietly underwrites a slew of media outlets that present him and his endeavors favorably to the world.
Gates has poured hundreds of millions of dollars – $319 million to be exact – into positive coverage from the likes of CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS, and The Atlantic, to name just a few. Gates also sponsors foreign media outlets like BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times, and The Daily Telegraph.
Every globalist-run country, it seems, is directly influenced by Gates via his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a “non-profit” group that funnels hordes of cash into the coffers of media groups that push pharmaceuticals, vaccines, genetically engineered (GMO) foods, and many other things that Gates supports.
The largest recipient of Gates funding is NPR, which received deposits totaling nearly $25 million. The Guardian is second in line at nearly $13 million, followed by Cascade Public Media at nearly $11 million.
Gates also funds Der Spiegel in Germany with more than $5 million in funding, as well as Le Monde in France and Bhekisisa in South Africa.
“In total, Gates has funneled $166 million directly to media outlets while distributing the remaining money to various media centres and journalism organizations,” reported Newspunch.
In Canada where Newspunch is based, Gates has sent $12 million from his foundation to tune the news in favor of his endeavors. Gates also funds communist Chinese state-run media outlets like Caixin Media, which took in $250,000 from the mogul.
Tsinghua University in China is another recipient of Gates funding, having accepted a $450,000 “grant” provided by the Gates Foundation
Gates pours tens of millions of dollars into Big Pharma and Big Biotech
The media is not the only thing Gates is funding and ultimately swaying to support his agenda. Both the pharmaceutical industry and the biotechnology industry are on the regular dole of Gates funding, it has been revealed.
In Canada alone, Gates has poured tens of millions of dollars into pharma and biotech research. The Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal, for instance, took in grants from Gates totaling $23 million, which were used to “provide effective, accessible, scalable treatment for COVID-19.” (Related: Gates teamed up with DARPA to create and launch the plandemic.)
Gates also sent money to a group called Emerging Ag Inc. to “increase awareness and understanding of possible gene drive applications for public good purposes within international policy forums.”
Until he finally leaves this earth, Gates seems committed to driving a globalist depopulation agenda using the media, the drug industry, the biotech industry and other lucrative industries as the vehicle to get the job done.
Gates is also behind the gender perversion push, having awarded CNN with a $3.6 million cash payment to “report on gender equality with a particular focus on least developed countries, producing journalism on everyday inequalities endured by women and girls across the world.”
Gates seems to have a financial hand in almost every major issue of the day. And he is almost always on the wrong side of the issue, supporting initiatives and efforts that aim to deconstruct social cohesion, human health, bodily autonomy, and a slew of other human rights.
MintPress pointed out that the more than $319 million Gates has spent so far is just what we know of – “there are clear shortcomings with this non-exhaustive list, meaning the true figure is undoubtedly far higher,” the outlet reported.
“Let’s be more accurate: the Federal Reserve bank via Bill Gates bankrolled media outlets to the tune of $319 million,” wrote a commenter about the entity that he believes is ultimately responsible for all this cash flow.