We Are Being Hit By Unprecedented Drought And Unprecedented Flooding At The Same Time by for End Of The American Dream
We have never seen anything like this before. There are some parts of the globe that are being absolutely devastated by endless drought, and there are other parts of the globe that are being absolutely devastated by relentless flooding. So if you happen to live some place where weather patterns are still behaving normally, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed. In all my years, I have never seen extreme conditions in so many areas of the world simultaneously. This is a major red flag, but unfortunately the vast majority of the general population is still not paying attention.
Over the past few months, I have written article after article about the droughts that we are currently witnessing all over the planet.
Right now, Europe is experiencing the worst drought that it has gone through in at least 500 years, and the rivers are getting so low that “hunger stones” are now being revealed for the first time in centuries…
On this front, too, Europe’s rivers are turning up bleak omens — the receding waters in parts of central Europe have revealed old “hunger stones,” markers placed along riverbeds that locals centuries prior left as guides to earlier droughts. One stone that emerged out of the Elbe read: “When this goes under, life will become more colorful again.”
Here in the United States, the western half of the nation is suffering through the worst multi-year megadrought that the region has experienced in 1,200 years, and this is causing all sorts of very serious problems…
Nearly three-quarters of California is in either extreme or exceptional drought, considered worse than severe, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. It’s so bad that scientists say the ongoing drought in the western United States marks the region’s driest 22-year stretch in more than 1,200 years.
The conditions have affected a broad swath of regions and industries. California wells are going dry. Farmers are either paying a premium for water or letting their fields sit empty. And there is growing concern that water exports from the Colorado River could come to a halt.
Not to be outdone, China is currently being hit by the worst drought that it has seen in all of recorded history…
China is in the grips of its worst drought on record, which has dried up parts of the Yangtze River and impacted swaths of the country’s industrial sector.
If you have read my previous articles, then you already know about those droughts.
But did you know that at the same time we are also witnessing some of the worst flooding in modern history?
In Pakistan, it has been raining and raining and raining…