CDC now admits covid vaccines never really worked against Omicron… AFTER relentlessly pushing it and lying about its safety and effectiveness

CDC now admits covid vaccines never really worked against Omicron… AFTER relentlessly pushing it and lying about its safety and effectiveness by:  for Natural News

A really loud whomp, whompcould probably be heard emanating from the headquarters of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) after the agency admitted that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” never provided any real protection against the so-called “Omicron,” or Moronic, variant of the Fauci Flu.

After many months of lying to the American public about how Moronic does not stand a chance in the face of a Chinese Virus injection, the CDC now says the shots were not so effective after all.

Nearly half of all Moronic hospitalizations across the United States, we are told, are occurring in people who were “fully vaccinated” and “boosted.” These are the people who should have been just fine, according to the government, because they were triple-or-more injected for Chinese Germs.

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Instead, the fully jabbed and boosted are now fully sick and dying. And the CDC is reluctantly admitting that the injections it pushed and pushed and pushed provided no protection – and probably made matters worse. (Related: Earlier in the year, European researchers published a paper revealing that covid injections do nothing against the Moronic variant of the Chinese Virus.)

“When you look at who’s hospitalized, it’s much more likely that they will have been vaccinated because so many people are vaccinated now,” Abraar Karan, an infectious disease specialist at Stanford University, is quoted as saying.

“The real comparison is how many hospitalizations do we have now versus in the past when people were not vaccinated or not up-to-date with boosters.”

Most Americans skipped the “boosters,” suggesting the jig is up

The CDC still insists that the so-called “Delta” variant of the Fauci Flu would have been much worse had people not gotten injected. There is zero proof of this, of course, but when has the CDC ever provided any proof to back its lies?

The latest claim is that immunity from the injections wanes rather quickly post-injection, and that the fully jabbed and boosted have to keep getting boosted – for the rest of their lives – in order to stay out of the hospital and avoid early death.

The unvaccinated, on the other hand, have permanent natural immunity because they did not tamper with their immune systems – which are fully capable, by the way, of developing immunity to diseases without the need for any shots.

Most of the country, we are told – but not by much – got the “main course” of injections. Most did not, however, get boosted, which speaks volumes about the growing awareness among the population that the whole thing was a scam.

Even some of the most diehard injection supporters decided to take a pause after the first two shots, recognizing that their friends and family members are now dying from sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) despite being fully jabbed (and that their unvaccinated friends are fine).

It is going to be a tough sell to convince a critical mass of Americans to get any further injections for the dead horse known as covid. And yet the drug industry and government regulators continue to try.

“The mRNA vaccine MADE Omicron,” wrote a commenter at Natural News about where Moronic actually came from. “Every honest virologist predicted it would happen. With so many people with natural immunity, it is highly unlikely that COVID would ever mutate back to again produce the original killer spike proteins. It just isn’t going to happen.”

“I will continue to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels (50 to 60 ng/ml), because it provides a broadband protection against all variants of COVID past, present, and future mutations.”

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