High School Will Allow After School Satan Club: “They Took God Out of School, Now They’re Letting Satan In” by Micaiah Bilger for Life News
A Pennsylvania school district will allow the Satanic Temple to hold a student event at its high school this fall, despite massive opposition from parents and community members.
Breitbart reports the Northern York County School Board approved the “After School Satan Club” back-to-school event last week. The event will take place after school hours in September at the Northern High School in Dillsburg, southern Pennsylvania.
The Satanic Temple is a pro-abortion advocacy group that considers the killing of unborn babies in abortions to be a religious “ritual.” Now, it is trying to establish children’s clubs in public schools across the country.
Fox 43 reports the Dillsburg school board did reject another request in April to establish an After School Satan Club in schools in response to widespread outrage. However, the threat of a lawsuit appears to be what prompted it to approve the upcoming event.
In a statement, Superintendent Steve Kirkpatrick said the board was required to approve the request, and the Satanic Temple will pay rental, custodial, security and technology fees to use the facility.
ACTION ALERT: Complain to the school board by going here.
“As a public school district, the use of our school facilities must be permitted without discrimination,” Kirkpatrick said. “We cannot and do not arbitrarily pick and choose which organizations may or may not use our facilities. If we allow one organization, we must allow all organizations, provided they satisfy the conditions and application requirements as set forth in Policy 707.”
Kirkpatrick said they do not endorse the activity.
A Satanic Temple spokesperson defended the event, while hinting that they could have sued the district for violating their First Amendment rights if it had refused their request.