Freedom Didn’t Happen When This Man Tried to ‘Pray the Gay Away,’ Then Jesus Showed Him His Real Identity

Freedom Didn’t Happen When This Man Tried to ‘Pray the Gay Away,’ Then Jesus Showed Him His Real Identity by Angell Vasko for CBN News

GNN Note – In our Daily Devotional we talk a lot our Christ Identity. We can not over emphasis it’s importance to our lives and who we are in the Kingdom of God. / END

Jim Domen had a partner who was HIV-positive, and Jim didn’t even care. That’s how committed he was to living the gay lifestyle. He thought that was who he was until he heard a voice that changed his life.


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Jim grew up in a Christian home. His father worked for the sheriff’s office and his mother was a librarian. Even though he was loved, Jim realized he was different and struggled to fit in. He wasn’t the normal boy who liked sports and girls. Instead, he was creative and noticed things that most boys didn’t, like art and design.

In the 7th grade, he realized that he was attracted to boys instead of girls. Because he and his father didn’t have much in common, they never truly bonded. “My dad never hurt or abused me in any way. He was a good man, a good cop, and someone fair. That said, while we had some fond moments together, it is important to note that doing fun things is not an adequate replacement for building a healthy relationship.”

As Jim grew, so did his same-sex attraction. “Just the thought of being gay repulsed me to my core. Still, I could not argue with the feelings I experienced. As a young boy, I remember those times in seventh grade when I did my best to pray the gay away,” he explained.

In the 10th grade, Jim decided to talk to his parents about his struggles. “I think I’m a homosexual,” he began. When his dad asked how long he had been dealing with these feelings, Jim explained that he struggled for years, alone. Upon hearing this, his father, who never cried, sobbed uncontrollably. Not knowing how to respond, the family sat in awkward silence and wouldn’t speak of the subject again for years.

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