Keys to Powerful Living: Peace from
It’s a search that drives men and nations to great extremes — the search for peace.
So much of our time, energy and resources are consumed with trying to find and keep peace with family members, friends and neighbors.
But often, no matter how hard we try, peace eludes us. The war in our minds and hearts rages on and on. Where can we find peace?
The War Within
If you are having trouble finding peace in your life, you must first understand the source of the conflict that is troubling you. This war within has little to do with your surroundings and has everything to do with your soul.
The Bible says that, apart from Christ, we are “far from God.” We are actually His enemies (Col. 1:21).
Since mankind was originally created for fellowship with God (Gen. 3:8, Gen. 5:1), this separation from Him robs us of peace. Our own sinful actions leave us “without hope and without God” (Eph. 2:12).
The Prince of Peace
But God did not abandon us as if we were strangers. Because of His great love, God sent His only Son to restore peace between Himself and man and to die on the cross for our sins, enabling all men to come to God the Father through Him (John 3:16-18).
The Bible calls Jesus the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). He came to earth to bridge the gap between sinful man and a Holy god. “For He Himself is our peace.” The Apostle Paul said, “and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall” (Eph. 2:14 NASB).
You can end your own separation from God by yielding your life to the Prince of Peace. Only then can you have perfect peace in the midst of troubled times in this world (John 14:27; Phil 4:6-7).
If you have never known real peace, then turn to Jesus right now in prayer. It’s very simple. In fact, it’s your right! The Bible says, “Some people accepted Him and put their faith in Him. So He gave them the right to be the children of God” (John 1:12). Become His child today!