Interfaith Chrislam Center Opening In Ur Of The Chaldees Sparked By The Visit Of Pope Francis In 2021 When He Claimed The Land Of Abraham For Rome

Interfaith Chrislam Center Opening In Ur Of The Chaldees Sparked By The Visit Of Pope Francis In 2021 When He Claimed The Land Of Abraham For Rome by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins

The local government in Dhi Qar Governorate, in southern Iraq, has started building a center project for interfaith dialogue, which includes Chrislam houses of worship for the Islamic, Christian, Jewish and Sabian religions, as well as a hall and forum for interfaith dialogue in the ancient city of Ur.

We have brought you many stories about the Abrahamic Family House being built right now in Abu Dhabi, but guess what? Chrislam interfaith dialogue centers are being built all over the world. In Germany we have the House of One that is almost complete, and now in Iraq we have the center we are talking about in todayā€™s article. So why do you think we are seeing Chrislam interfaith dialogue centers opening up all over the world? Because while we who are saved wait for Jesus Christ in the clouds, everyone else is preparing themselves to meet Antichrist.

ā€œFor the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: ThenĀ weĀ whichĀ are aliveĀ and remainĀ shall be caught upĀ togetherĀ withĀ themĀ inĀ the clouds,Ā toĀ meetĀ the LordĀ inĀ the air:Ā andĀ soĀ shall weĀ everĀ beĀ withĀ the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.ā€ 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (KJB)

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The One World Religion of Chrislam is not only real, it is being assembled while you are watching, and if you know your Bible then you know what youā€™re looking at. Your King James Bible clearly states that there can not be, and will not be, world peace without the King of Peace, Jesus Christ. But there will be the fake peace that Antichrist brings in the ā€˜strong delusionā€™ of 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (KJB). If you miss the rapture, thatā€™s what God has planned for you. Sound like fun? If not, click here to miss it.

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