Christian Entrepreneur Compels Believers to Do More Than ‘Just Pray’ for America by Amir George for Charisma News
“I am praying for you” is probably one of the most common promises believers make to each other.
For a whole new generation of Americans who are taking part in the Fourth Great Awakening—most who have not grown up in the traditional church many of whom are finding faith later in life—they are being scrutinized in these end times by the left and by non-believers. Some are calling out the church for being, “all prayer and no action.”
Entrepreneur (founder of, Stanford University doctorate holder and believer Dr. Patrick Byrne, who has recently founded (along with Gen. Michal Flynn, another strong believer) The America Project to bring our country back to her founding principles, has a few choice words for the church.
He extols the church to find some sincerity and intentionality in their kingdom walk.
“I am beyond tired of Christians telling me they want to pray with me, pray for me, get me to pray, teach me to pray, insist I pray, insist that I publicly say that I pray,” Byrne says. “Pray, pray, pray—it feels often like an excuse to do nothing. Enough of that already.
“I believe in prayer and its necessity for the kingdom. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I’m tired of Christians that tell me they want to pray for me but, when we need consolidated efforts to pray for kingdom cause, they are nowhere to be found.”
Byrne is frustrated by the plethora of Christian organizations and individuals approaching him for help, begging to work with General Flynn to start the American Project, telling him the need to save the country and supporting their efforts. Byrne was quickly disillusioned by the “all prayer and no action” he encountered from many.
“Right now, we are in the middle of a battle for the very soul of our nation and for the future of our children. We need prayer as it is the key to everything, of course. But we also need action and we need people with courage to do both—and get off their knees and help us save our nation as well.”