‘We’re Asking God For a Miracle’: Family Clings to Prayer, God After Freak Accident Leaves 7-Year-Old Paralyzed

‘We’re Asking God For a Miracle’: Family Clings to Prayer, God After Freak Accident Leaves 7-Year-Old Paralyzed By  for Faith Wire

The parents of a little girl in Nashville, Tennessee, are clinging to faith in the Lord — and hopes for a miracle — after their 7-year-old daughter was paralyzed in a freak accident.

Sarah Faulkner remains hospitalized at Vanderbilt after she went swimming Aug. 6 in Hurricane Creek at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch in Tennessee, and a teenager accidentally landed on her back, WZTV-TV reported.

Tragically, Sarah was paralyzed from the lower chest down after she hit the bottom of the waterbed. The little girl also has 19 staples in her skull.

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According to a GoFundMe set up to benefit Sarah and her family, “Doctors have told the family that they have never seen anyone with these injuries walk again.”

But the Faulkner family is clinging to the Lord, refusing to give up hope for a full recovery.

“I believe God can and will heal my daughter. I need a miracle. My wife needs a miracle. My children need a miracle,” dad Tre Faulkner told WZTV-TV. “You need a miracle. Our country needs a miracle to show that God is real and God is alive.”

Faulkner said prayers have been pouring in, even from atheists and others who have doubted God in their own lives, as the incident emotionally touches many.

One woman from Germany wrote the following letter to Sarah and her family: “I don’t believe in God, and I’m not really good in these prayer things–especially not since my firstborn daughter died without any reason. But today, I was praying to whoever and whatever there may be for a full recovery.”

Faulkner told WZTV-TV he believes God is using the “evil, horrible accident to bring glory to Jesus Christ, who is the Savior of the world, and the solution for all of our problems.”

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