‘According to Your Faith’ By MICHAEL BROWN for Stream
Recently, while flying to Las Vegas to minister, I ended up sitting next to a pastor, as both of our seats were changed at the last minute. It turns out we had many friends and co-workers in common, but this was the first time we had met, and we recognized the meeting as providential.
This pastor had a large international ministry, through which he had impacted thousands of leaders. He, in turn, had been deeply impacted by a well-known Asian pastor who had challenged him to grow in his own faith and vision.
As this pastor, who was a few years older than me, recounted his travels with this Asian pastor, he said to me, “Do you know the most challenging verse in the Bible? It’s where Jesus said, ‘According to your faith, be it done to you.’” And he repeated those words slowly: according to your faith.
What a holy challenge and invitation! It is something the Lord has been speaking to me consistently for the last 12 months, even asking me, “Where is your faith?” Perhaps He is speaking to you as well?
While preaching on the theme of faith roughly 20 years ago, I wrote down some notes for myself, based on the Scriptures.
Let me share some of them here with you (as I remind myself of these same truths today).
What is Faith?
Faith is taking God at His Word.
Faith is saying, “I trust You.”
Faith is not being moved by circumstances, feelings or opinions.
Faith is believing God and God alone.
Faith gets out of the boat at the Lord’s command, ready to walk on water, and faith does not sink.
Without faith it is impossible to please Him.
The double-minded man receives nothing from the Lord.
Mountains only move when we believe and do not doubt.
It is the prayer offered in faith that makes the sick person well.
According to Your Faith
To the blind Jesus asked: “Do you believe that I can heal you?”